GenNET Online

We provide your students with affordable and innovative online learning options!
GenNET Online Learning provides schools and students with user friendly, anytime/anywhere access to over 3,500 quality, discounted courses by a variety of providers that offer flexible learning opportunities and tutoring options for students in grades K-12! Subject areas include core, advanced placement, credit recovery, Career Technical Education, and a large selection of electives.
To get started, request an account to begin enrolling your students in courses today.
Additional benefits of using the GenNET Online Learning for your schools:
Current Providers Available:
- Accelerate Education
- BYU Independent Study
- Edison
- Edmentum
- FEV Tutor
- eDynamic Learning
- Imagine Edgenuity
- Imagine Odysseyware
- Lincoln Learning
- Michigan Virtual
- Stride Learning Solutions

Current Providers Available:
- Accelerate Education
- BYU Independent Study
- Edison
- Edmentum
- FEV Tutor
- eDynamic Learning
- Imagine Edgenuity
- Imagine Odysseyware
- Lincoln Learning
- Michigan Virtual
- Stride Learning Solutions

For more information, please contact us at (810) 591-4401 or via email at Regular office hours: 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday-Friday